Great range! Really love the kid in the toy section voice, very well done.
Great range! Really love the kid in the toy section voice, very well done.
Thanks man!
I chose a good day to check out new stuff in the audio section!
Glad you like and thanks for the comment, really appreciate it :). Btw nice audio work you got there.
Love the voice at :24!
Haha, thank you! I had the guys on the other side of the booth laughing too, which felt great!
You've improved a lot over the years!
Thanks! I know I've still got a ways to go, and I'm gonna enjoy every step getting there.
Great range! Entertaining from start to finish.
Thank you very much. Glad you liked it.
I like to make new voices and entertain people. Contact me if you have any inquiries about using my voice.
Joined on 1/21/13